Monday, May 11, 2009

Day 18 – Free at last, free at last!

Well, he did it. Just when we thought that nothing was every going to change in the hospital, he started chugging down his bottles like crazy. We are free of the hospital and couldn’t be happier to be home. The nurses at the hospital were WONDERFUL, and we think that they will genuinely miss having Corin in there. The last few days we have gone in and the nurses working with Corin told us that they had to talk other people into letting them take care of him. So it was nice to have him being cared for by people who enjoyed it.

But he is now home safely, and it is still pretty surreal. We’re not really sure how people who don’t spend two weeks with a full-time team of medical professionals have any idea how to take care of a baby. It is crazy just to be able to pick him up and walk around with him. We could not do that at the hospital since he was always on him monitor.

It has been just such a wonderful day, and yet we’re at a loss for blog words. So we will leave you with this: Tonight our family is all together in our home and we are truly happy.

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