Thursday, May 7, 2009

Day 14 – Meeting new goals

Corin is continuing to gain weight well, and is up to 6 pounds, 7.6 oz. He has been doing well with his new eating schedule. He was actually feeling pretty good last night, so he ate two full bottles in back-to-back feedings (I think of him as an animal in a zoo every time I call it a ‘feeding’). This was a big step for him, as it was the first time that he was able to get through an entire meal without any feeding tube support; and he did it twice in a row. Ebony, one of our favorite nurses, was there for both meals and left up the pictured message to brag on our boy.

Later in the day we had another lactation consultant join us for mealtime. She said that Corin and Kristi are doing great together during breastfeeding and that he does very well latching on. Now that we have had a bit of instruction and a bit more experience picking up on the cues that he gives about what he wants at mealtime, it is a much more enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Our friend Erica came to visit and spend time with Kristi at the hospital this evening since I had to leave town for one night for court tomorrow morning. So it worked out very well for Erica to get to see Corin and Kristi to have some company on what can be long days at the hospital.

We’ve got some video below of Corin as he was waking up for mealtime. Enjoy!

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