Monday, May 4, 2009

Day 11 – Chug! Chug! Chug!

Day 11 has been yet another good day of progress for our little Spear Bearer. His current fighting weight is 6 pounds, 5 oz, so he is gaining weight well. A couple minor health issues came up today: Corin’s eyes have been getting a little gunky (it’s a medical term). It is very common with babies and they are just going to put in some drops for a couple days to clear it up. The other issue we learned about today is that his little heart has a little heart murmur. This has apparently been there the whole time, but no one said anything about it to us until today. It is very common for babies to have murmurs, and most of them just go away as they complete development. Just to be safe, we are going to have an echo-cardiogram tomorrow (like an ultrasound for your heart – so a minor test with no pain or side-effects).

Corin also got a little visit from Lola this morning. He’s quite the little Grandma’s Boy. He’s also apparently quite the little Nurse’s Boy. We came in the other day and the nurses had made the little sign pictured for Corin’s crib. Corin also got his first piece of mail today. He is now officially being tracked by the government’s Social Security Agency.

Our main progress today was in the breast feeding department. We had a little help from a great lactation consultant, and Corin did a great job. He was latching on well and had several good sections of chugging down some breast milk. We tried again during the next meal, but I think that he was really still too tired out from the previous effort. The plan for tomorrow is to try and breastfeed for every other meal.


  1. these pictures are adorable! i love the one of dad and spear bearer! he has 89 more days to go until his 100 days out of utero review so he better plan accordingly! milk- the other white meat since the swine flu. drink up corin! we love you, g/l

  2. Hey:

    Just figured out how to "blog" (with a little help from my tech support people--aka Christian). Mom and Dad look like they have things well in hand. Corin looks as eager as you two to get out of there. Keep up the good work!

    Love you's,

    Pop Orr
