Monday, June 8, 2009

Day 46 – Kristi’s six week check-up

Are you kidding me? How ridiculously cute is this kid?


Nap time!

Kristi had her six week post-delivery check-up today, and everything is fine. She has no restrictions anymore (she was not supposed to lift anything more than 10 pounds) and is feeling well.

Corin continues to do well and enjoy himself most of the time. He still sleeps a lot of the time, but we certainly notice that he is awake and alert more and more throughout the day. We had some great time today playing on the floor with him. His eyes and their tracking abilities are still developing, so he doesn’t really follow objects to reach out to grab at them yet (which is normal for babies his age). But he does lift his head up and throw it around a lot when he is on his tummy, which is a good thing (and also normal for babies his age). Sleeping well during the night is still hit-or-miss. Some nights he sleeps very well between his meals, and others he is very fussy and keeps the designated baby-tamer awake and busy throughout the night. So on the days after the good nights we are happy and energetic. And on the days after the bad nights we get on the internet and look at boarding schools.

This past Friday Grandma came to stay with Corin so Mommy and Daddy could go out for a night on the town, which was very nice. A few of our friends have also stopped by, and we went to a little party next door for our neighbors recently. Just like before, as long as he isn’t hungry, Corin is happy to be passed from person to person (which is very nice for us).

We recently confirmed that Kristi’s dad (Grandpa) and step-mom (Grandma Janis) are going to be coming for a visit this weekend. If Corin had the ability to comprehend anything, I’m sure he would be excited at the prospect of finally getting to meet them. I'm sure he'll enjoy it, but for now Kristi and I will look forward to it.

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