Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Day 41 – Kristi’s new job

Kristi officially resigned her job with the State today and will be staying home with our little bundle of joy. Since she was going to have to leave when we move to DC anyway, and we are able to swing it now, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity for her to stay home and take care of our guy. So Kristi now has a home office. The pay isn’t great, but you can’t beat the benefits.

Speaking of benefits, I can’t convey how glad we are that we have health insurance. We recently received all of our statements from the hospital. For just for his delivery and the next 18 days (so not including the months of medical attention she received getting ready for him) the total bill was almost $110,000! Unbelievable! Then the insurance company only paid the hospital about 60% of that, and the hospital just eats the rest. Someone is screwing someone in this insurance game…I’m just glad it’s not me. It is easy to see how not having health insurance drives so many people into bankruptcy. Ok, rant over.

As you can see from the fact that we post so many bath pictures, our son is a slob and enjoys making a mess of himself. At least he enjoys being in the water and looks cute getting clean.

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