Saturday, January 30, 2010

Nine months old

Corin had his nine month check-up last week. He is doing much better with his ears and his cold. He is just over 20 pounds, and is 30" long. That puts him in the 90th percentile for height, and he is 50th for weight and head size. So he is growing great and right on track.
He seems to be moments away from crawling. He will hold himself up on his hands and knees and clearly wants to go somewhere. But then he just rocks forward and falls on his face when he tries to move. But that is actually improvement. So we don't think that it is going to be too long before he is moving around on his own. He has mastered control of his walker. We set him up in the kitchen and he can go wherever he wants, which is usually to pull the towels off of the oven handle or to open and close the cabinets.
He is starting to move into eating more people food. The Doc said that we need to keep introducing new foods to him to get him used to new textures and tastes. So we have started giving him more that just baby foods (mashing up fruits and veggies, yogurt, etc). It is pretty funny. Just like his older cousin Dmitri, the first time he has a new food in his mouth he gets a really sour look on his face and tries to spit it out. He always ends up liking it and eating plenty, but the first shock of something new always gets a funny expression.
Last week we were at Kroger and when Corin saw the balloons for sale he got very excited. I went over to get him one and Kristi said that he was leaning forward in the cart watching me very closely to see if I was going to bring it over to him. We got him a Pooh Bear balloon and the next three days were spent playing and laughing with it.
We will find out this coming week if Corin is going to have a little brother or a little sister.

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