Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Six Months Old!

Corin turned six months old this past Friday. We celebrated at home by giving him some pears. It was the first time he has had any fruit (other than apple juice), since the doc said that we should start him out on vegetables so he doesn't get used to the sweetness of fruits and shun the veggies. He enjoyed his pears and I'm pretty sure he is looking forward to Halloween when he gets to have the rest of them.
He had his six month check-up at the doctor's office yesterday. He officially weighed in at 18 pounds, 12 ounces, and is 2 feet, 3 1/2 inches tall. He is growing normally and is on track developmentally.
Yesterday was a beautiful day and we were able to get in one more family bike ride to the grocery store. Once we got there I carried him around the store in his backpack carrier. That is now one of his favorite places to be. He likes that he gets to look around and see what is going on everywhere we go. As an additional bonus, when Mommy carries him, he gets to pull on her hair (which I think he enjoys slightly more than she does).
Recently, he has started waking up again in the middle of the night. The doc said that this was normal for kids his age and it is best to let them try to "soothe themselves back to sleep". Unfortunately, when Corin is trying to "soothe himself", it is not very soothing to the rest of us. There is a lot more screaming involved than the name implies. We may have a few long nights ahead of us.

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