Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day 16 – Like sands through the hourglass...

I LOVE THIS PICTURE! (You can click on the pictures to enlarge them)

Just as we fall into a regular routine at the hospital, we fall into our routine in our blog. As such, we start be posting that Corin’s weight has increased to 6 pounds, 10.5 ounces. So he is absorbing the food he his getting. However he is still only getting about half of his feedings from the breast/bottle and half from the tube. He’s done well several times being able to take back-to-back bottle feedings, but we have yet to get through three in a row.

Not much else new has happened. All of his medical issues have been worked out and we just continue to wait for his feeding switch to flip. We are more than ready for it to happen. The past few days have really started to run together. It is just a constant stream of shifts at the hospital, broken up by meals and nap breaks. It is getting a little old, but we do try to pause from time to time to be thankful for the fact that, overall, he is very healthy and that (sometime) he is going to be coming home with us.

Corin got to round out the day with a visit from Grandma, which is always enjoyable. He also got a certificate in the mail today from Grandpa Yarde for a bicycle trailer. Daddy sends out a big thanks and can't wait to get out on the open road with his little guy!

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